Detect when docker instance reached memory limit

I'd like to know if my test instance reached the memory limit and behaves a kind of different after that.

simple but slightly incorrect approach

Just grab the kernel logs for oom-killer for the particular container id.

$ CONTAINER_ID=84ec6201e6a54
$ dmesg -T | grep -B2 docker-$CONTAINER_ID | grep -B1 oom-killer
[Sun Oct 25 22:06:17 2015] java invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0xd0, order=0, oom_score_adj=0
Limitation: This implies that kernel logs before and after are about the same issue.

more exact but unprecise approach

$ CONTAINER_ID=84ec6201e6a54
$ if [ $(dmesg -T | grep docker-$CONTAINER_ID | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
        echo "there were issues with $CONTAINER_ID:";
        dmesg -T | grep docker-$CONTAINER_ID
        echo "--"
        echo "host config looks like (reduced)"
        FORMAT="\{\{json .HostConfig\}\}" # please remove escapes, limitation of my blog
        docker inspect --format="$FORMAT" $CONTAINER_ID | python -m json.tool \
            | grep -v ": \"\"" \
            | grep -v ": null" \
            | grep -vE ": 0|-1" \
            | grep -v ": \[\]" \
            | grep -v ": {}"
    there were issues with 84ec6201e6a54:
     [Sun Oct 25 22:39:53 2015] perl cpuset=docker-84ec6201e6a54c9bf8118bcfa39870cb701961ad29bdb05776880cfe2c2572a2.scope mems_allowed=0
[Sun Oct 25 22:39:53 2015] Task in /system.slice/docker-84ec6201e6a54c9bf8118bcfa39870cb701961ad29bdb05776880cfe2c2572a2.scope killed as a result of limit of /system.slice/docker-84ec6201e6a54c9bf8118bcfa39870cb701961ad29bdb05776880cfe2c2572a2.scope
[Sun Oct 25 22:39:53 2015] Memory cgroup stats for /system.slice/docker-84ec6201e6a54c9bf8118bcfa39870cb701961ad29bdb05776880cfe2c2572a2.scope: cache:240KB rss:4194064KB rss_huge:14336KB mapped_file:0KB writeback:0KB inactive_anon:685848KB active_anon:3508408KB inactive_file:24KB active_file:24KB unevictable:0KB
host config looks like (reduced)
    "Binds": [
    "ConsoleSize": [
    "LogConfig": {
        "Type": "json-file"
    "Memory": 4294967296,
    "NetworkMode": "default",
    "OomKillDisable": false,
    "Privileged": false,
    "PublishAllPorts": false,
    "ReadonlyRootfs": false,
    "RestartPolicy": {
        "Name": "no"

Comments and feedback is welcomed!